With a mix of primary and secondary research we eagerly follow the latest technological advances such as the widespread implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the growing trend of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the potential of new Fintech applications. In such a highly competitive market, we stand out above all for our human touch and friendly approach, enabling us to build long term relationships with clients. Our analysts act as associate consultants representing our customers in qualitative interviews with contacts at various levels, from product manager all the way to C-level contacts. Outman Consulting can integrate with customers’ analyst teams seamlessly to face the leads with a unified image. With a strong academic background, Outman analysts can complement field work with secondary research to build a compelling yet fact-based storyline for market reports.
From simple product benchmarking activity all the way to core strategy assessment, we package and present comprehensive deliveries. Targeting various profiles including marketing teams, line of business or management board we are able to offer end clients a wide range of services to assist them in core business transitions. Outman Consulting supports some of the top consultancy and market intelligence companies worldwide, compiling ad-hoc market analysis reports to meet strict deadlines. Whether our client needs a quick snapshot report of the market or an extensive analysis of megatrends, we deliver precisely and on time.
Outman Consulting represents clients in speaking engagements at various national and international events. We deliver presentations in a number of different European languages in a professional yet approachable manner to give you an edge over other consulting firms. As part of market research processes, Outman Consulting represents clients at trade shows to gather key information on new product launches and announcements, keeping our partners up-to-date on the happenings in their sector.